[TowerTalk] Matching a Delta Loop

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Wed Oct 18 17:21:11 EDT 2006

Phil, there is an additional answer to this that you may prefer:
Since the antenna is already connected with 50 ohm coax, you can determine  
the R+j at the end of the coax and apply a series match there. The loss 
increase  on the 50 ohm coax due to the 79 ohm feed impedance is going to be pretty 
low or  even negligible.
In a message dated 10/18/2006 4:16:39 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
TexasRF at aol.com writes:

Terry, I like your numbers better as they use less coax. My series  match  
program has a flaw that I never noticed in all the years using  it: inputting 
+j.01 gives my numbers and inputting 79-j.01 gives  your answers.

Goes to show you can learn something every  day!

Gerald K5GW

In a message dated 10/18/2006  3:55:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
n6ry at arrl.net writes:

At  01:03  PM 2006-10-18, Phil Clements K5PC wrote:
>I hastily threw  together a 30  meter Delta Loop this summer in order to get
>KH8SI  in the log for a new  one on CW. Using the formula, the resonant  
>came out 10.105 mhz  (great, first try!) but the feed-point  impedance is  79
>What is a good method of  matching this antenna  to 50 ohm coax? I don't want
>to use  ferrites. I'm using a  line-flattener in the shack now, but I  robbed
>it from another project,  and I need to return  it.
>This antenna is a real "keeper;" I was  able to bust  the pile-up on 2nd 
>The apex is a 50 feet on an 80  foot Rohn  25 tower.

A series-section matching arrangement would work  well  to match to 79 
ohms at 10.125 MHz.
Connect 4.83 feet of 50 ohm   line to the feedpoint (VF=0.66)
Then follow with 5.99 feet of 75 ohm  line  (VF=0.66)
Looking into the 75 ohm line it will be 50  ohms.

The  bandwidth of the series-matching lines is much greater  than the 30m  

73, Terry   N6RY


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