[TowerTalk] Sinking ground rods

NI7T ni7t at preciscom.net
Wed Oct 25 16:12:49 EDT 2006

the easiest tool for ground rods is a medium sized hammer drill and a ground
rod bit made for the purpose..I rent them from my local tool rental shop..I
have seen them at Home Depot tool rental as well ..the bit is about $60 if
you buy your own..I have done 10 8'  ground rods for my tower install in an
afternoon..my subsoil is shale and difficult to sink rods in...
Mike Reagan
Price, Utah

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dale Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Sinking ground rods

> > Another way is to use a fence post driver available at many
> > Lowe's and Home Depot store or nearly any farm and ranch
> > supply store.  It is a 2-3 foot piece of pipe sealed on one
> > end with handles on the side.
> Before I found the one-gallon-of-water-method, I took an empty one-gallon
> paint can, a two-and-a-half foot length of water pipe, a water pipe tee
> some concrete.  I attached the tee to the pipe, suspended it with string
> the can so the tee was about 3 inches above the can bottom, poured in the
> concrete, and let it set up.  It made a nice homemade pile-driver for
> rods in the gumbo that is the Texas Coastal Prairie soil.
> 73,
> Dale, kg5u
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