[TowerTalk] Sinking Ground Rods

Dr M J DiGirolamo DrD at 2020.com
Wed Oct 25 23:23:46 EDT 2006

 This summer I sank around 20 or so 8' x 5/8" rods.  It was a TOUGH JOB.  I have
fundamentally clay soil here in Central Virginia.  No amount of pounding with a
sledge hammer helped me after 2-3 feet.  So, here is what I used --
<http://tinyurl.com/yx7q3r> Either purchase or rent this monster.  I borrowed
one from a friend but ended up buying one of my own.  Price them at:
<http://tinyurl.com/uu6zc>  As you can see, I got mine through Hechingers.  I
ordered quite a few accessories like the ground rod accessory, clay shovel, etc.
  Be sure and DIG YOUR TRENCHES FIRST, then set your ground rods, not vice-versa
as I did!  In case you have not viewed the photos of my installation, you can
see them here:  < <http://tinyurl.com/p8kgz> http://tinyurl.com/p8kgz>
  You will mushroom the top of the ground rod so I used this Hitachi 4 1/2" disc
grinder (see <http://tinyurl.com/ye2k6l>) with a DeWalt DW8062 (or equivalent)
cutting disc.  I got both of these at my local Lowe's.  If you don't have a disc
grinder, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.  Cuts through rebar,
etc like it's butter.
  When and if you are planning on Cadwelding, drop me an email and I'll be happy
to pass you some pearls from "the school of hard knocks."
Mike DiGirolamo, W4XN
Charlottesville, VA

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