[TowerTalk] LMR-400 Connectors

DMartin560 at aol.com DMartin560 at aol.com
Fri Apr 13 22:51:07 EDT 2007

Search on tessco.com for their part number 87791.
Or any vendor that sells RF Industries connectors for their part number 
I have used these connectors for years with absolutely no problems or 
I do sometimes solder the center conductor if it's convenient to use a gun.
It's very easy to do as the center conductor protrudes out the end of the 
pin as on a conventional PL259.
Dwayne, KG4ADM

I am looking for the 'best' PL-259 type of connector for LMR-400 co-ax.
The crimp on connectors I have tried have not worked well at all, and yes
I have the crimp tool.

Would appreciate some advice.


Bill W7IJ

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