[TowerTalk] WTB: Tower Safety Climbing Belt
Jason Creager
jason at creager.com
Wed Apr 25 15:04:57 EDT 2007
On 4/16/2007 at 7:39 AM Stone, Gary R. wrote:
>I am need of a safety belt for tower climbing.
No, you do not need a safety belt for tower climbing. Simply put, they will
kill you by destroying your pelvis as it transfers all of the force of your
fall directly to your hip bone.
No amount of saying "we've done that for years" or similar arguments can
change physics.
What you need is a brand new (so you know its history and that it's in
proper working order), full body harness (to distribute falling forces in a
survivable way) with a fall arresting lanyard (to absorb most of the
falling force and decelerate you properly) and the knowledge to deploy it
properly. You will probably want to get a model with positioning D-rings
for added convenience of use while you're up the tower.
A proper fall arrest setup is much, much, much, much cheaper than a funeral
or building wheelchair ramps for your house if you're "lucky" enough to
That said, I own a Klein Safety Belt. Someday, I'm going to make a video
showing how to make it safe for use in an amateur radio situation. It will
involve a can of gasoline and a match.
- Jason - KC0ERG
http://jason.creager.com kc0erg at qsl.net Las Vegas, NV
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