[TowerTalk] Cushcraft A743/A744 DE Support Rope

Tom Anderson WW5L at gte.net
Thu Apr 26 09:00:14 EDT 2007


You might use the small Phillystran 12001 3/16" which is made for booms, 
etc.  I used it as the center element support and element alignment on a 
Mosley Classic 33 WARC with the 40m kit for more than 10 years and it 
was as good when I sold the Mosley as it was the day I put it up. My 
Mosley came with some black Dacron rope, but I didn't like the 
appearance so I used the Phillystran instead.

Tom, WW5L

Bill Coleman wrote:
> I put up my A743 40m add-on kit in October 2005. I was disappointed  
> to come home and find that the DE support rope has broken, apparently  
> right in the middle -- where the rope passes through the phenolic  
> standoff.
> So far, the DE has held together OK, the DE just droops a lot --  
> about a foot or more on the ends below the reflector and director.  
> Not sure how long the antenna will hold together with this much  
> strain on the DE, so I plan to replace it soon.
> Anyone else experience this problem? What's the best type of  
> replacement rope to use?
> Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
> Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>              -- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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