[TowerTalk] 45/55 Star Guy

Bill Cotter n4lg at qx.net
Tue Dec 11 11:41:00 EST 2007

Here is one:


73 bill n4lg

At 04:45 PM 12/10/2007, don daso wrote:
>Once upon a time, I acquired a Star Guy for 25G that was not 
>one-piece, &
>therefore could be retro-fitted to the tower at any point.  I need 
>to do
>that again, although this time with 45 & 55G.
>Looking for a source or ideas...
>(Have inquired of Norm's,  & I know I can simply copy the design from
>Rohn, simply cutting it in two, etc.  I'm wondering if this already
>exists, et cetera....)
>Tnx & vy 73 de Don K4ZA
>Tower Works
>Charlotte NC
>TowerTalk mailing list
>TowerTalk at contesting.com

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