[TowerTalk] Tower Incident Survey

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Thu Dec 27 11:22:13 EST 2007


To reiterate: 

(from TT archives)

Re: [TowerTalk] Climbing Gear resource needed
from [Dale Martin] [Permanent Link][Original] 

To:  <towertalk at contesting.com> 
Subject:  Re: [TowerTalk] Climbing Gear resource needed 
From:  "Dale Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org> 
Date:  Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:58:30 -0500 
List-post:  <mailto:towertalk at contesting.com> 

I have:

1 Fall Arrest harness and belt - $90

1 4' lanyard - $39

1 6' lanyard - $40

The knowledge and comfort that I am connected to the tower at all times -

Dale, kg5u

> 3) ALWAYS stay clipped into the tower 100% of the time. (I 
> climb with my positioning lanyard around the tower, plus my 
> fall arrest is connected. While I am moving my fall arrest, I 
> have another short lanyard that I clip in -- slow, but very safe)
> Compared to some of my peers who free-climb to height and 
> belt in, I'm a wimp. But, I'm a safe wimp.
> Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
> Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>              -- Wilbur Wright, 1901
Wimp #2 here, Bill.  


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