[TowerTalk] 1-1/4 Aluminum tubing needed

Hector Garcia XE2K j_hector_garcia at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 1 11:02:03 EST 2007


YOu will get more F/B or more gain with that new taper

N6BV  write in the ARRL Antenna Book an Improved 204BA
that information is also avaliable on the Internet.

I will like to know if you will have more performance
with your design.


--- Bob Maser <bmaser at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> Anyone have an old 204BA that's sitting out in the
> junk box?  I need 4 
> pieces of 1-1/4" OD, the stuff with the inserts for
> strengthening.  On the 
> HyGain, they are the 35" and 44" long sections that
> slip into the reflector 
> and driven element boom to element clamps.  My YO
> program says I need longer 
> director elements and the 2 stock directors aren't
> long enough.
> 73  Bob W6TR 
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Hector Garcia XE2K / XF1K
Mexicali B.C  DM22fp


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