[TowerTalk] Soldering RG213 to PL259

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Fri Feb 2 13:41:14 EST 2007

Hi Garry!

Check out:


Under "Station Engineering"
Click on How to install a PL259 connector

It gives you a different method that I have found to work very well.

Tim K3LR

Garry wrote:

> This may have been discussed previously and if so I apologize for
> waisting space. I recently purchased a bag of 10 PL-259's from BuxComm.
> These are silver/teflon with a gold center pin. I have been out of ham
> radio for the last 16 years and haven't soldered any connectors since
> before 1990. I used to cut the outer jacket to the proper length, tin
> the braid then solder the braid through the 4 holes on the side then
> solder the center conductor. Back then, most PL259's were made in the
> USA and the area where the holes are was reduced in diameter so that the
> braid made good mechanical contact and would solder well if good quality
> cable was used.
> With these newer connectors, I find the diameter of the connector is not
> reduced in the area where the holes are so there is a gap between the
> inside of the connector and the braid of tinned coax. You can't fold the
> braid back over the outer insulation and get it that far in the
> connector as the fit is too tight. I have seen examples where some are
> soldering the braid to the outside of the PL259 but I like doing  it
> from the inside as I used to do years ago.
> Does anyone know of a way to work with these newer PL259's? I wonder if
> all PL259's are made this way now?
> 73,
> Garry - WR4R
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