[TowerTalk] 40 meter vertical ant

K4SAV RadioIR at charter.net
Sun Feb 11 23:51:49 EST 2007

I think one of the advantages/disadvantages should be immediately 
obvious, you need an 80 ft plus tower to put up a 40 meter half wave 
vertical dipole.  If you do put it on a tower, it will no longer be just 
a vertical dipole, it will interact with the tower.  If you have an 80 
ft tower I can think of many better antennas to put on it.

If you have an 80 ft tree, you could put up a half wave sloping dipole 
that would beat a vertical  in some directions.  If you have two 80 ft 
trees, you could put up a horizontal dipole that would beat the half 
sloper and the vertical.

Jerry, K4SAV

Tom Osborne wrote:

>Hi all
>I have a 40 meter vertical with a bunch (50 or 60) radials.  I also have 
>been thinking of putting up a 40 meter vertical dipole.  Is there any 
>advantage to either or antenna.  Which works best for long haul contacts? 
>Thanks and 73
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>TowerTalk at contesting.com

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