[TowerTalk] Plugging the top of Rohn 25

Tom WA9WSJ wa9wsj at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 4 10:09:49 EST 2007

Hi Jim,

Once you plug the holes you mention, another concern
is internal condensation build-up. Hopefully the
section in the ground has been set in a gravel base
for drainage. If not, there is a risk of the lower
section leg(s) splitting from freezing. 
In this case, maybe one of the net members here has a
slick method of preventing this.


--- KC4HW <jimjohnson at alaweb.com> wrote:

> I have a 70' rohn 25 with a regular section for the
> top section.  What is 
> being used to plug the holes to prevent rain water
> from accummulating in 
> the tower legs?
> Jim/KC4HW
> http://www.AlabamaContestGroup.org
> http://www.AlabamaQSOParty.org (June 2nd and 3rd,
> 2007)
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