[TowerTalk] deeds and such

Tom Anderson WW5L at gte.net
Sun Jul 1 15:43:05 EDT 2007


My son and daughter in law live in an HOA area in Argyle TX north of 
Fort Worth TX and they recently asked if it was OK to put up a 
basketball goal in their backyard so my grandson could shoot baskets. 
They were turned DOWN because their home is "visible" from the entrance 
to the development, but yet other people in the development are allowed 
to put portable ones (that don't seem to ever move out of the street) 
them up in the street in front of their homes.  Figure that one out.  To 
me a basketball goal in the street in front of a house is more of an 
eyesore and certainly lessens property values more than one in a 
backyard.  Besides my son's yard is fenced and my grandson wouldn't be 
at the mercy of drivers who weren't looking out for kids.

Tom, WW5L

Gregg Seidl wrote:
> When you can't fly our flag and kids can't use sidewalk chalk to amuse 
> themselves because a HOA says you can't do that, this country is in BIG 
> trouble.And we then wonder why kids get into trouble and play video games 
> all day.Not to mention why kids today are becoming more obese then ever 
> before,chase them outside for a good game of kick the can or 
> tag........ahhhhhh those were the days.Not a care in the world........well 
> maybe one don't be late for dinner!   Gregg  K9KL 
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