[TowerTalk] HDBX Question

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Sun Jul 1 22:47:29 EDT 2007

All the BX type sections were tapered and it was possible to extend to  
64' with two more sections, but climbing them was a PITA.

Quoting jacobsen_5 at msn.com:

> How do Tower Talkers. Are you ready for this?? A  R E A L  question   
> about towers!!!
> I need you search your "grey matter" soft drives. (Maybe more chance  
>  the old timers have the answer) Does anyone remember if a straight   
> tower section is/was made to extend a Rohn HDBX 48 into a HDBX 56???  
>  Either Rohn or after market mfg??? There is a local ham looking for  
>  one. I don't ever remember seeing/reading about anything like this.  
>  But then, my "grey matter" soft drive is, welllllll, lets not go   
> there.
> Any help anyone?
> Thanks in advance
> 73 and GD DX to all
> K9WN  Jake
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