[TowerTalk] SteppIR Controller

Dick Green wc1m at msn.com
Mon Jul 2 13:09:31 EDT 2007

I wasn't aware that the FT-1000MP had a problem, but the FT-1000D definitely
does, at least with the old controller firmware. Yaesu has done a
particularly bad job designing its protocols. For example, the data packet
sent by the 1000D has no delimiters marking the beginning and end of the
packet, making it very difficult for software to capture packets and decode
them accurately. The best solution is to monitor the protocol commands sent
by the radio, but this is rather difficult to squeeze into limited memory
space in a controller that's not real fast. 

I got around it in my PIC-based SteppIR controller (details on www.wc1m.com)
by using short timeouts on reads and counting the number of characters
received. If I don't get a full packet, I wait for the next one. It's a
kludge, but it works. In fact, part of the reason I built the PIC-based
interface was to get around the fact that the Yaesu protocol doesn't work on
the SteppIR controller. I know of at least one other ham radio product that
doesn't work with the 1000D for the same reason.

I haven't tried the Yaesu protocol with the new SteppIR firmware yet.

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: RLVZ at aol.com [mailto:RLVZ at aol.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 12:17 PM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] SteppIR Controller
> I'm wondering if SteppIR resolved the Controller conflict it had with
> some
> radios: a couple years ago My SteppIR controller worked poorly with  a
> FT-1000-MkV.  The problem was that the Controller would often switch
> bands
> "automatically" from the band the xceiver was on to another band of
> it's  choice.   The
> antenna also developed a stepper motor problem so I  switched antennas
> and
> haven't gone back to the SteppIR yet.  I'll probably  give the SteppIR
> another
> whirl if the controller problem has been  resolved.  (at the time,
> SteppIR told
> me the problem was common with  1000-MP's and there was no immediate
> fix)
> 73, K9OM
> In a message dated 7/2/2007 9:20:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> wc1m at msn.com
> writes:
> But  there's more to it. SteppIRs can be automatically tuned to the
> frequency
> of  an attached transceiver, and I find this capability very useful.
> But in
> my  SO2R contest station I have two radios that use different
> communications
> protocols: an Orion and an FT-1000D. Switching a given  controller
> between
> the two radios isn't simple.
> ************************************** See what's free at
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