[TowerTalk] Stadiums as Tower/Contest Locations

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 5 09:21:22 EDT 2007

At 08:39 PM 7/4/2007, Bill Parry wrote:
>Howdy Jim,
>I believe that if private or parochial schools take federal money, and many
>do, then they have to follow the same rules.

But the liability negotiation could be a lot easier.  Rather than 
dealing with the public school bureacracy (which has to manage dozens 
of schools in a given district) and with an elected school board (all 
the members of which tend to have their own particular hot buttons), 
it's more like dealing with a business.  You have one decision maker 
to convince rather than dozens.  The public schools are, in general, 
underfunded, understaffed, and serve very many masters (not only the 
school board, but also, the city, county, state, and feds all weigh 
in on what the schools should be doing with those insufficient 
resources) tend to have a lot of inertia and not interested in 
unuusal things that add work. It's a struggle to keep up with their 
"official" responsibilities.  So, unless you have some advocates in 
the right places, it's going to be tough.

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