[TowerTalk] Restoring a Tristao CZ-454 Tower

Neil & Heather neil.goodell at verizon.net
Sun Jul 8 17:13:08 EDT 2007

Thank you very much for that info Dave,yes my FCC and QRZ address is good.
I was surprised about the guying of the first section, I didn't see that in 
any of the literature I have,interesting.
As far as anchor bolts, I'm lucky, in that with my line of work, I have easy 
access to light pole anchor bolts of all sizes,and they are allready HD and 
galvanized.I am still having a hard time finding the "pressed" pin that 
holds the lower pulley section of each individual tower section together to 
the actual tower tube, until I find one, I don't dare pull those section's 
apart. (I was hoping to touch up each section individually.)Hoping , if all 
goes well ,to have the tower refurbished and recabled and up before winter.
If you could send me the documentation on the guying or house bracket, that 
would be great Dave, thanks a bunch!
73 Neil

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Thompson" <thompson at mindspring.com>
To: "Neil & Heather Goodell" <neil.goodell at verizon.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Restoring a Tristao CZ-454 Tower

> Neil,
> Glad you have some good answers on the Tristao CZ-454 tower repair.
> I have used a CZ-471 since 1969 noving it 4 times.  Here is are some 
> things
> you need to know,
> 1.    The US Tower TX-455 is almost the same tower.  Lou Tristao made some
> changes before he sold his towers to US Tower and the TX line is slightly
> heaver but you can use the same rotor plate.
> 2.    The CZ line is designed to sit on three heavy bolts set in concrete.
> I have some documentation that I can send you on the concrete required and
> the placement of the bolts.
> 3.    The CZ line is designed to lay on the ground and be pulled up using
> the bolts as a base.  I have the tower raising fixture.  You can use a 
> truck
> mounted a frame to do the same.  This is shown in the documentation.
> 4.    The CZ series must be secured at the top of the bottom section 
> either
> with a house bracket or by guying the  section.  This along with the
> concrete is the reason it is self supporting.
> I had to leave the HD bolts from Tristao at the fisrt location years ago.
> Lou Tristao advised me to use 1" HD universal bolt and bend the the bottom
> 6" into an L.  As I recall I use 36" bolt with the bottom 6" bent.   I had
> to get a local hardware store to order these for me but they are in my 
> most
> recent McMaster-Carr catalog.  You want HD and galvanized if possible.
> Please advise if your FCC address is OK and if you need the documentation.
> Good luck.
> 73 Dave K4JRB

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