[TowerTalk] SteppIR problem-update from the front lines

Bill Ogden ogden at us.ibm.com
Sun Jun 17 19:48:57 EDT 2007

If it can be done without too much trouble, try adding another 100'  to the
control line. This should help determine if the problem is due to
transmission line aspects of the control cable.

Is the ground wire (in the control cable) connected to the antenna boom?
(I cannot remember exactly how it was wired when I put up my 3 element
SteppIR.)  Did you check resistances between all normal control wires and
the ground wire? IIRC, each stepper pair should have a reasonable
resistance between them and be absolutely open circuit to every other wire
in the cable. Furthermore, I assume that the resistance between each
stepper pair should be about the same for all stepper pairs. Does this
check out with your ohm meter?

Bill - W2WO

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