[TowerTalk] EMI concerns;Detectors/Radiation Allergies

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 18 12:04:14 EDT 2007

Oh my god....

This morning's Good Morning America, entertainment show  (I shudder to call 
it news) has a piece about Sarah Dacre from England.  Seems Sarah has an 
allergy to Electromagnetic Radiation, that she can definitely feel, and has 
caused her many ills in recent times.   She is shown shopping in London 
wearing what looks like a bee keepers veil that is actually  EMI shield 
cloth, in addition to metallic fabrics to protect her while she walks among 
the Electro Smog, as she calls it.  She has wallpapered her home in metallic 
wallpaper to keep out the poisonous waves...
Even has a hand held Electro Smog Detector, which plays a shrill square wave 
audio tone, sounds like a vacuum cleaner motor sounds near an am 
radio....Looks something like a hardware store stud finder.

Anyay, if you see folks sniffing round your antennas carrying one of these, 
may be you should be concerned.  The ABC news piece gave some legitimacy to 
Sarah's allergy to electromagnetic waves.
Dr. Dave Dowson has her in his care....Check these folks out on the web....

Sincerely, Pat Barthelow     aa6eg at hotmail.com
Jamesburg Earth Station  Moon Bounce Team

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