[TowerTalk] Tower Insulators
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Tue Jun 19 17:42:39 EDT 2007
The ones mentioned are $400 and $1145! Ouch!
Consider feeding the tower as a folded unipole, all you need is some copper
wire. Ham literature shows a single drop wire; commercial AMers use 3 to 6
and report improved bandwidth when the electrical length is 110-115
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Bloomfield" <rn23crna at windstream.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower Insulators
> I plan to install a 90 ft. vertical Rohn 25 that is fed with two 'L'
> networks for 160 and 80 meters.
> This is described in Low-Band DXing by John Devoldere ON4UN.
> I think I can do everything necessary except I have not been able to
> find insulators for the base of the tower. There was one commercial
> source
> but they wanted $300.00.
> This is a 'budget' project. The towers were acquired by taking down
> "TV" towers that were no longer in use. The Coax is commercial hardline
> purchased for $30.00 (260 ft!)
> The only 'plan' that I have is to build 6 metal disc welded to rods
> that
> fit inside the tower legs. They would be insulated with Lexan and bolted
> together in such a way that the bolts would also be insulated. I have
> some
> 1/2 inch lexan - from a flee market.
> I am aware that Rohn made insulators for the tower legs but they are no
> longer available.
> Ideas and opinions are needed and welcome.
> Jim Bloomfield
> On the Suwannee River
> Fl.
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