[TowerTalk] Fold over towers

Alan NV8A nv8a at att.net
Thu Mar 22 14:10:38 EST 2007

On 03/22/07 10:16 am Bert Almemo wrote:

> Thanks to all who responded with ideas and suggestions to my posting about
> fold over towers. It's a pitty there are no manufactures left making fold
> over towers like Rohn. 
> I've looked at Heights Towers and their concept using a screw actuator to
> tilt the tower from the base. Interesting concept but with my small lot I
> can't tilt a 60-70ft tower.
> I'll continue to do some research to find some more details before I make a
> decision. Thanks.

The only thing I can suggest is a US Tower crank-up with the 
tilt-up/down option, but I don't know what kind of a budget you have.

(I looked at the Heights towers too but settled for UST.)


Alan NV8A

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