[TowerTalk] Tower leg treatment at section Joints

ersmar at verizon.net ersmar at verizon.net
Thu May 3 00:10:14 EDT 2007


     I'm thinking of 'LXC's maxim: Do what the manufacturer says.  No anti-ox between tower leg sections.

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

From: Ed Richardson <ed_richardson at shaw.ca>
Date: 2007/05/02 Wed PM 08:06:17 CDT
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower leg treatment at section Joints

Planning a new tower installation using a Trylon SuperTitan T300.

I was wonder if it will be worthwhile to apply an anti-oxidant or some
other coating on the tower leg joints. This is a galvanized tower.

Any advantages, disadvantages or suggestions on products to use?




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