[TowerTalk] congrete filled steel for tower base

nb7v at msn.com nb7v at msn.com
Sun Nov 4 19:15:38 EST 2007

Ken,  To be quite straight to the point: The cost of cuting the 5/8"thick steel x 2' tube filled with concrete, Boring the hole ( 24" tube will not EASILY slide into a 24" hole) and will need a large amount of concrete to stabilize it anyway. add a small crane to set it ( it has to be perfectly Plumb to go in the hole and is verrrry heavy) Even when doing this all yourself, Just the cost of equipment rental will be far more than doing the base as the manufacture suggests. 
Be safe the Manufacturer did engineering on the tower base for a reason.
Dave  NB7V
General contractor 27 years
Montana, the last best place
> From: lclarks at nc.rr.com> To: towertalk at contesting.com> Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 16:15:47 -0500> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] congrete filled steel for tower base> > Ken> I think that was called the "wonder post" Aluma uses it now it 6" diameter and 14 ft long, 6 ft in> the ground wit out ant concrete. I have one with a 75 ft hd crank up and its great, its been up 5> years now, of course the clay here is like concrete. The tower only weighs 290 lbs.> > 73 Larry K1ZW> > > -----Original Message-----> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of> k2ek at aol.com> Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 2:07 PM> To: towertalk at contesting.com> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] congrete filled steel for tower base> > Ken> My first tower was a 50 foot crank-up crank-over by E-Z-Way.?? It mounted on a steel pole...?> roughly?10-12 inches in diameter.? 9 feet or so above ground level that connected to the tower?via a> hinge.? It went?a it over 4 feet into the ground.? There were 4 plates welded at right angles at> the?bottom and a?foot below ground level.? It worked fine with a Classic 33 tri-bander.? I'd think> that pipe of yours is plenty, even if not structural steel.> > 73 de Bill> K2EK?> > > -----Original Message-----> From: KLM <cassrvp at telus.net>> To: towertalk at contesting.com> Sent: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 11:32 am> Subject: [TowerTalk] congrete filled steel for tower base> > > > Hi all, I have a tr ex 51' crank up I am going to srrect. I live a long way from any concrete supply> and am looking for a way around the big expense of delivery. > Earlier, I salvaged a large steel tube 24" across with 5/8" walls by 20' long. > from another project. It is already filled with concrete. My plan is to auger a 24" hole in the> ground as deep as possible (6 to 8') , cut the tube, insert it and use it for my base. I would weld> brackets directly to the 5/8 plate on the top to bolt the legs to. I could mix enough concrete for> a shallow pad around it. What do you think of this idea? the tower would be directly grounded> through the tube right into the water table. Is there a concern for lightning strikes in the base or> any other potential problems anyone can see? It would certainly be grounded well ! ...any guidance> appreciated.> > TNX in advance> Ken> _______________________________________________> > > > _______________________________________________> TowerTalk mailing list> TowerTalk at contesting.com> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk> > > ________________________________________________________________________> Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - http://mail.aol.com> _______________________________________________> > > > _______________________________________________> TowerTalk mailing list> TowerTalk at contesting.com> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk> > _______________________________________________> > > > _______________________________________________> TowerTalk mailing list> TowerTalk at contesting.com> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk
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