[TowerTalk]  Wooden Poles;Vibrations, Vortex Shedding

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 8 08:47:45 EDT 2007

Dennis said:
>A second later I confidently read off the answer...
"Yup", they all agreed, "that's right."
"Now I've seen everything.", said the young fella, just shaking his head...
While I didn't let on, I was pleased to still be able to do something I haven't done it 30 years...<
More frightening - I was visiting the other week with a guy my age (60) that I was at school with. Helping him with the shopping, he asked "£36.00 for 12 bottles of wine, how much is that per bottle?" Then he wanted to know what 17.5% sales tax would be. I'd done in my head before he could punch the buttons on his mobile phone's calculator - and I'm not that good at mental arithmetic. But he ought to have been able to divide 36 by 12 in his head....calculators make people lazy - and all too often, lead them to believe crazy answers..look at the mix-ups in converting lbs/litres/kilograms etc. 
The moral is that if you're using a calculator (or a spread sheet for that matter) for antenna/ tower calculations, do a sanity check on the answers. It could save a lot of grief - and bent alumium!
Peter G3RZP

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