[TowerTalk] Inverted L for 160 Meters

Dan Zimmerman N3OX n3ox at n3ox.net
Mon Oct 15 19:09:09 EDT 2007

"and while having a LOT
is better, it's probably only about 6 dB better. That's a good
reason for adding radials, but it's not a reason for staying off of
160 if you can't! :)"

Yep, I have about 30 more countries worked on 160m that I wouldn't
have if I hadn't decided that 160m was possible with little more than
a 40 foot x 40 foot  radial field... and I'm running barefoot!   The
antenna is a 60 foot base loaded vertical.

I did add a few long ones out to the front yard, but I'm out of land.

I'm not blowing anyone's doors in and I have to count on the good
graces of the big guns to make QSOs but it's better than no 160 DX at


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