[TowerTalk] Shorty 40

Greg Clark putt_1 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 17 08:29:38 EDT 2007

I'm in the process of rebuilding my station and am in need of a 2 ele 40m yagi.  In the past I had an old 40-2CD by Cushcraft on the tower.
In shopping around I have looked at:
Force 12 (new and old linear loading designs)
The Optibeam looks nice but is out of my budget.
-The XM240's are kinda hard to find - all on backorder at most of the major shops in the US as of the end of last week.  Not sure if this has anything to do with the company recently being purchased??
-Force 12 has a 4-6 week lead time (even with that quote it's "iffy" as to when it will arrive).  
-M2 - I couldn't find a direct link on their site for a 2 ele version any longer, so I don't even know if they are still available as I have not called the factory yet.  Anyone know if they still make a 2 ele 40m yagi?  
-As for Hy-Gain - well - I just don't see many of these yagis - are they that poor of a performer?  We had one at the WM5G multi years ago - I don't remember much about it.  I can get one of these in a reasonable amount of time but don't want to be wasting my money and time.


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