[TowerTalk] [YCCC] interaction from low-band wires

Mike McCarthy, W1NR w1nr at w1nr.net
Wed Oct 17 09:52:14 EDT 2007

I have never had interaction problems with inv-V's at the top of my 110'
tower.  However, I would go with an 80m V and shunt feed the tower for
160 which is what I have been using for years.  Had a 160 V that didn't
work worth squat vs. the shunt feed.  Of course, I have a Heathkit
remote antenna tuner on the 80m V to cover the whole band.  You might
want to break the ends and use a jumper to change the length for CW and
SSB.  An 80V at 110' performs really well.

Mike, W1NR

Dick Green WC1M wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to hang a trapped 160/80 inverted vee off my 110' tower as a
> temporary solution for the low bands this year. The tower is on a steep hill
> and too far from trees for a dipole to be feasible, so it'll have to be an
> inverted vee. I have a 40-2CD at the top of the tower, and a 3-stack of 4-el
> SteppIRs on Tic rings at 96'/64'/34'. The 14' spacing between the 40-2CD and
> top SteppIR make it impossible to hang the vee above the top SteppIR and get
> enough clearance for the yagi to turn. I'd like to hang the vee right under
> the top SteppIR, say at 94 feet, to get it as high as possible, but I'm
> concerned about interaction between the vee and yagi. After all, I went
> through a lot of trouble and cost to put Phillystran guys on this tower to
> avoid interaction!
> Is it likely the vee will interact with the yagi? Would it be better to hang
> the vee at 85 feet and put some separation between it and the top SteppIR?
> Also, does it matter how far from the tower I hang the vee?
> 73, Dick WC1M

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