[TowerTalk] MAX Gain settings for SteppIR Yagis

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Thu Oct 18 16:47:59 EDT 2007

I thought sure I had heard over a year ago that SteppIR was going to publish
some supplementary MAX Gain settings for all their yagis. but  SteppIR just
told me they don't have any and no plans to do so.


So I'm wondering if any 2el,  3el, 4el & MonstIR SteppIR users/modeling
gurus/dB gain tweakers have by chance done this and would be willing to
share the info? 


By MAX Gain I mean every possible last fraction or ounce of dB gain in the
FORWARD direction with NO concern about F/B or F/R.


Tnx much & 73.


Rick, K6VVA


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