[TowerTalk] advice sought

atrampler at att.net atrampler at att.net
Sun Oct 21 01:29:33 EDT 2007

Thanks, all.

One piece of this just got easier.  My dad sent an email tonight that he has 
an idea to do this, perhaps in a more simple way than I had envisioned, 
bringing at least his xcvr upstairs.  I think for his operating he'd just as 
soon at this point go with only the 100 watts.

So that means I will have to make sure I have room for an AL-1500 and some 
spare tubes.

I was relieved/happy to see that my quiet pestering finally got him to admit 
that he likes the idea of having the rig upstairs.  Of course my "first" 
thought was to set up his 756Pro through TRX Manager between the PC in his 
room and the PC in the shack.

He may be an OT, but that doesn't mean he's living in the dark ages! 
However, I think he'd rather have the knobs upstairs (even if there are no 
more warmly glowing tubes).

I'm glad I kept after him!

As for a tower for me...remember, I just talked myself out of a free Glen 
Martin ;).  Since I can't justify the expense at the moment on the US Towers 
(nice though they are), have any of you experience with the AN Wireless 
towers?  My goal would be the 3 element Steppir, the Force12 Delta 240/230 
on 20 foot boom, and perhaps something for 2 meter CW.  For the money the AN 
towers seem competitive and strong, as long as crank-up is not an issue.


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