[TowerTalk] Crank Up towers

Sat Sep 1 15:06:43 EDT 2007


Read your email and article on your club page with interest since I am going 
to install a US Tower TX-455 with a 3el Yagi Steppir on a 15 ft mast;  this 
means the mast will stick up more than 10 ft above the tower section.  My 
plan was to install the rotor and mast with the tower horizontal and the 
Yagi with it almost horizontal and then crank it vertical.  This is the way 
I have done things in the past with smaller towers and antennas, and there 
were some awkward moments.

Please give a little more detail on "I have found that tilting the tower 
over to work on antennas is not a good idea".  I certainly appreciate your 
contribution to TT and probably need more guidance - especially from a W5. 
I used to be W5CPB and worked for Petty Geo. Eng.

73,  Jim w3cp

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Hearn" <dhearn at air-pipe.com>
To: "T talk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 2:32 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Crank Up towers

>  I have noticed recently that a number of hams seem to have a fear of
> dealing with crank up towers. I have used a TX472 for more than 10 years
> located first near Dallas and now near Spokane. It is not difficult to
> install the tower and antennas. I recently posted to our clubs web page
> information on how to replace cables and pulleys safely on it. 
> www.sdxa.org
> .  Click on DX tips on the right hand side.The system described is also
> applicable to installing antennas. You just step from the ladder onto the
> top of the nested tower. The antenna can be lifted vertically by a rope 
> and
> pulley straddling the tower and ladder. If you were smart enough to put a
> pulley on the top of the mast with a rope through it, lifting the antenna
> into place is easy. If you forgot to put the pulley on the top of the mast
> all is not lost. Just rig the pulley with a hook on it and attach it to a
> piece of aluminum tubing to lift it up and hook the top of the mast. You 
> can
> either leave the pulley in place after you finish or lift it off and lower
> it to the ground. If you tape the pulley to the tubing, you can pull the
> tube loose and leave the pulley in place.
>  I have found that tilting the tower over to work on antennas is not a 
> good
> idea. It is easier to lower the antenna vertically to the ground. I once
> lowered a 4 el yagi to the ground, changed element tip lengths and put it
> back up in less than an hour.
>  My other crank up is a 131 ft UST unit with a 6 el Yagi on a 57 ft boom. 
> I
> use the same technique to lower and raise it except that the pulley rope 
> is
> a length of small steel cable as used on garage door openers. It is 
> spooled
> on a small hand powered winch bolted to the base of the tower. The crank
> handle was removed and a variable speed electric drill is attached to the
> shaft. The tower is nested and a helper on the ladder guides the antenna 
> as
> it is raised or lowered.
>  Crank up towers are not cheap but 2 have been sold at very reasonable
> prices here as part of SK ham estates. In each case the tower had to be
> taken down by the buyer.
> 73, Dan, N5AR
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