[TowerTalk] Cable feed through.

bill rubin brubin2010 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 09:28:59 EDT 2007

MFJ makes one.

On 9/3/07, Tom Anderson <WW5L at gte.net> wrote:
> Fellow Tower Talk subscribers:
> Anyone know of a good commercially made coax, ground cable, and rotor
> cable "feed through"?
> My XYL Cheryl (WY5H) and I are replacing the leaky, non-weather tight,
> etc. windows in our 24 year old house with new energy efficient double
> pane windows.
> I had been using a "Lambda Vector" feed through that had rubber grommets
> on eaach hole, but it is no longer manufactured.
> I believe there was a dealer at Dayton in 2006 who sold these
> commercialy, but I've slept since then and can't find any of the
> information he was passing out then.  My XYL and I didn't make Dayton in
> 2007, but we're planning to in 2008.
> 73 de Tom, WW5L
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