[TowerTalk] 90 ft erection

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Thu Sep 6 07:35:38 EDT 2007

> Wait a second.  I'm trying to understand exactly what it is that is so 
> bad.

I have to agree.  As soon as I noticed the taught guy wires on either side 
of the tower in the video, the critical comments here became suspect. 
Raising a tower with a hinged base and two guy points 180 degrees opposed to 
each other and perpendicular to the tower is not a new idea.  Their erection 
fixture is too short, but it obviously didn't fail, whether by luck or 
design we don't know.  They saved the cost and headaches of hiring a crane, 
and can raise it and lower it repeatedly at their leisure and with no cash 

I am not saying these guys deserve OSHA's stamp of approval, but frankly if 
everything we did required OSHA approval (or TowerTalk approval for that 
matter) much less would get accomplished in the world.

The "eyeball engineer" in me would not try this myself, but the ONLY thing I 
would change would be to make the initial lift point on the cable 
substantially higher.

Mark, N5OT 

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