[TowerTalk] 4 Square for sale

Dennis Ventler w9jdj at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 12 15:09:53 EDT 2007

I have four Force 12 Half Wave Vertical Dipoles plus a Comtek 40 M Hybrid 
Phasing Unit &  Contro l Box for sale.  The only problem is that you will 
need a pick up truck to put it all in.  The four vertical dipoles are 
dissasembled at each end but the center coil, insulator and the next top and 
bottom section are frozen in place and I didn't want to damage the other 
coils (one has been already damaged).  This system was used in Hampshire, IL 
for about two years and worked great for DX but my two element horizontal 
phased arrays were normally better for stateside QSO's!  About two years 
ago, I had a stroke and have since moved to Iowa in the Quad Cities area.  
The antenna system has been in storage since then in Sterling, IL on 
Interstate 88, fairly easy to get to.  I am asking $800.00 for the whole 
system including the 72 ohm matching cables that Comtek made for me that go 
from each antenna to the phasing box.
I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the system via 
Email.  If you want to chat over the phone, I will be glad to give you my 
phone number.

73 DE W9JDJ, op Denny

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