[TowerTalk] Force12

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL grimm at sbc.edu
Sat Sep 22 10:31:39 EDT 2007

Barry wrote:
> The manuals don't help much, anyway.  Instructions are vague and the 
> pictures are really pitiful - they look like copies of copies of 
> copies.  Hopefully the new owner(s) will use these comments constructively.
> Barry W2UP
Ain't it the truth!  Compared to some of the latest version SteppIR 
manuals, the Force 12 manuals are "uninspiring."  The SteppIR manuals 
are available for downloading from the SteppIR web site, are in full 
color, with clear and detailed photographs and have been revised 
occasionally to take advantage of different and better ways of building 
and operating the antennas.  The difference in the business philosophies 
of the two sets of owners comes across very clearly in the policies they 
have adopted regarding their manuals.  Nevertheless, some of the Force 
12 antennas are killers and I do appreciate the wide variety of antennas 
that they have put on the market.
Ken, K4XL


Ken K4XL
k4xl at arrl.net

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