[TowerTalk] Force 12 - Patents

Bert balmemo at sympatico.ca
Mon Sep 24 17:05:42 EDT 2007


I thought I explained this several times but I think you're still missing
the picture. It's not a question of starting a manufacturing process making
antennas for resale. It's about one guy who wants to copy a design and build
himself an antenna. I hope you can understand my point?

73 Bert, VE3OBU

P.S. This IS my last comment in this thread - hopefully

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Lux
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 3:22 PM
To: Pat Barthelow; ve3zi at rac.ca
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Force 12 - Patents

I can't speak to antennas, but I can speak to other instances of moderate
tech.  In round numbers, if the infringer doesn't just cease & desist after
getting a letter, you're looking at 100K. If it's a case of off-shore
infringement and you're trying to get customs to stop the goods, a bit less,
but more hassle (you need to know where and when the goods are coming in.

Jim Lux

---Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Force 12 - Patents


To get an idea of how difficult it is for a major manufacturer of Antennas
to defend a patented design, if they chose to do so, I am curious how much
it costs a manufacturer to muster a legal defense to force a person who is
duplicating their patented designs to cease and desist.   If the company
understandably  wants to protect it's intellectual property from intrusive
duplication by others,  and targets an entity that it perceives is
infringing on its rights,  ( and income)  what does it cost to mount a
challenge?  That may give us perspectives, on how likely a small number of
"copies" done by an individual of a patented design, would be challenged by
even a substantial mfg.

All the Best, 73

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