[TowerTalk] Full body harness

Dick Green WC1M wc1m at msn.com
Thu Apr 3 18:55:01 EDT 2008

I second Steve's motion: I use two of his tool bags, one on each hip. Also
use the large and small canvas buckets from Champion for hauling tools and
equipment up the tower. Sometimes I clip the small bucket to my belt when
carrying something relatively light that's too large for the tool bags. I
have an adjustable nylon lanyard from Champion, but don't know if Steve
sells that one anymore. I think some people use a rope decender with a
fixed-length rope lanyard for that purpose.

I like Petzl harnesses. Very light and comfortable, though a bit pricey. I
also like their rescue helmets. I wouldn't do tower work without a helment
-- I've bumped my head into metal things, or had them bump into my head,
many times.

Also essential to have a rugged but comfortable pair of steel-shank boots.
Your feet can really start to ache from standing on tower rungs for long
period of time if your boots aren't stiff enough. A good pair of
snug-fitting gloves is essential, too. You should be able to do just about
any task without removing the gloves (well, maybe execept handling small
screws and nuts.)

Unless it's absolutely deathly hot, I wear a comfortable long-sleeve shirt.
Less wear and tear on the skin when hugging the tower. I always wear jeans
(not too tight.) Never wear shorts.

I carry either a cell phone or miniature 2m rig whenever I climb.

One other essential piece of gear:sunblock. Use plenty on your face and

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: K7LXC at aol.com [mailto:K7LXC at aol.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 12:39 PM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com; k8fc at k8fc.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Full body harness
> In a message dated 4/3/2008 9:03:40 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> towertalk-request at contesting.com writes:
> >  I am looking for recommendations for climbing harnesses with  fall
> arrest.
>  I have been climbing for years with good belts but that is  all they
> are,
> belts.  I have decided not to climb again until I have the  proper
> harness and
> fall arrest equipment.
> >  The conversation  on this reflector has pointed me in the proper
> safe
> direction and now I am  looking for personal experiences with the full
> body
> harness and fall  arrest.  Things like fit, adjustability and weight I
> would think
> would be  key elements of the harness (the safety features should be
> assumed)
> and ease  of use.
>     First of all, all fall arrest harnesses meet OSHA  requirements so
> it
> doesn't matter which brand you buy.
>     You can spend from less than $100 up to  a couple of hundred. If
> you're
> just going to use it occasionally, maybe one of  the less expensive
> ones will
> suffice. The more expensive ones are generally  more comfortable -
> that's
> basically what you're paying for - and more  features. If you're
> spending 8 hours a
> day in it, it better be comfortable.
> Champion Radio Products _www.championradio.com_
> (http://www.championradio.com)  has the more  budget type which I use
> myself.
>     You'll need a fall arrest lanyard that attaches  to the D-ring
> between
> your shoulder blades and a positioning lanyard or two to  hold you in
> working
> position. These are more personal choice.
>     But I don't know how people can climb and work on  towers without
> a tool
> bag or two on their belt. I climb with 2 - one for parts  and one for
> tools.
> Champion has them under Rigging Gear.
> Cheers & GL,
> Steve     K7LXC
> Champion Radio Products
> Cell: 206-890-4188
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> Guides.
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