[TowerTalk] remote switching for balanced lines

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Apr 12 02:26:46 EDT 2008

Jim Lux wrote:
>I think a lot of the "old time" sort of switchgear used with open wire
>lines was sized for use open in the outdoors with dirt and crud
>accumulating, or was repurposed from equipment actually designed for
>things like AC power panelboards (where hot switching might be in the
>list of requirements.. )  both of which drive towards physically larger
>sizes.  Think, if ham could have scrounged up a big old DP knifeswitch
>from a scrapped theater lighting or industrial panel board, especially
>if it was free, it would be a natural to use with open wire line.

There are still some "old time" open-frame RF relays available from 
Eastern Europe, for example:

RF Relay:  Open frame 2 position relays. Using a pair of these relays it 
is possibly to build 5 bands switcher for Pi-circuit. It has neutral 
position if it is tongue directed to down, I kW it is not a problem for 
it. Russians call it "tongue of my mother-in-law" - $10

See http://www.nd2x.net/ur4ll.html


73 from Ian GM3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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