k2vi k2vi at cox.net
Sun Apr 20 17:36:03 EDT 2008

I have a W9INN MPD-105 80.40 meter dipole,It has been up for 5 years and preformed quite well although the bandwidth was a bit narrow but with my AMERITRON ATR-30 i have no problem tuning down to 1:1...This antenna is a total of 105 feet with loading coils, I now bought a new buxcomm OCF WINDOM which is fed directly with a 4:1 balun with no tuning stubs just direct with coax. The antenna is 90 feet on one leg and 45 feet for the shielded side. Can someone tell me if it would be an improvement or am i just wasting time switching antenna's, Any advice will be apreciated,thanks guys.

tony k2vi

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