[TowerTalk] LB Cebik SK; What a loss....

Bill MacLane ai4wm at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 22 21:13:21 EDT 2008

Very sad and a very huge loss.  The work that he has done and all of us who have learned from it will really miss him.

Pat Barthelow <aa6eg at hotmail.com> wrote: 
Forwarded Message:

It is with a heavy heart and infinite sadness I report the passing of
 LB Cebik, a friend to us all.
 I had called the local Sheriff in Knoxville, TN to go check on him
 since I hadn't heard from him in over 5 days (either email or phone),
 which is highly unusual.
 The Sheriff called back to tell me this sad, devastating news. He was
 like family to me and was loved and respected by so many. I remain in
 shock as I tell you this.
 I need to locate his next of kin as he did not have family in Knoxville.
 Happy Trails,
 Jack L. Stone
 ------- End of Forwarded Message -------
All the best,
Pat Barthelow    (916) 315-9271
aa6eg at hotmail.com


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