[TowerTalk] Rohn 25 + M2 Skiplog

Ralph Matheny mathenyr at marietta.edu
Sun Apr 27 12:07:37 EDT 2008

Local conditions are as follows:  Hilltop location, max winds in any 
reasonable period of time 70MPH.  50 MPH considered a big one, but a few 
of those each year.  Tower guyed 4 ways, at 30 and 60 feet short guyed due 
to property lines.  Tower is 62 foot Rohn 25 tiltover.  Good base.  Guy
  anchors to be beefed up.

Now the question:  Will a recently acquired M2 7 10-30 "Skiplog" fly in 
the long run on this tower??  M2 rates the windload as 13 SQ Ft, boom is
30 feet long and the longest element is 50 feet.

Will a "Tailtwister" turn & brake this antenna?

I can upgrade the tower, if I have to and want to.  Just don't wanna do 
that unless it is really needed.

Comments?  I fully understand that what I do is MY decision, and won't 
blame anybody for this free advice.  If there are similar installations
the input will be of help.


Ralph Matheny
207 Gibbons Place
Marietta Ohio  45750
mathenyr at marietta.edu

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