[TowerTalk] Tower grounding cable...???

Michael Germino ad6aa at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 3 00:22:42 EST 2008

Should the bolts for the tower be bonded to the structural steel in the concrete base?


--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:

> Also, be sure to bond the tower to structral steel in the
> concrete tower 
> base, bond all elements of that structural steel together,
> and bond all 
> of that to the ground electrode system. That concrete base
> now becomes a 
> Ufer ground electrode, which, in general, tend to be a
> rather good ground 
> because they have a lot of conductor (concrete) in contact
> with the 
> earth. 
> 73,
> Jim Brown K9YC

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