[TowerTalk] 40m Vert advice for a small gun

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Fri Dec 12 22:27:55 EST 2008

I faced a similar challenge, and selected the 43 foot tall model pole 
antenna made by DX-Engineering, and I am, so far, thrilled with it.  I 
have read the instructions and look at the HyGain AV-616 iteration of 
that type of antenna, and was rather unimpressed by it.  Either one 
should work about as well, as they are each 43 foot long tapered 
aluminum poles, but I have been quite impressed by AV service, quality, 
accurate and helpful instructions, prompt response to any problems, I 
have received from DX-Engineering.  For example, my kit was missing one 
aluminum tube by mistake, and DX-Engineering provided a tube by return 
mail -- showing up at my location in about one 36 hours.they have been 
available for questions and comments on an overnight-e-mail basis.  They 
answer the phone immediately.  I am thrilled with it.

I also considered the Force-12 antennas, but did not like them, for 
various technical reasons, and have heard their service is a mixed bag, 
and it can take a long time to get your product.  Though most 
significant technical reason was that they are limited to the shorter, 
upper bands, whereas the big Mono pole antennas will cover the lower 
bands somewhat, although not as well as upper bands, it is better than 
nothing -- and I was unimpressed with the Sigma-40 where you have to 
physically change the antenna components to change bands.  Their relay 
system for changing bands on the Sigma-20 might be available for the 
Sigma-40, but it was a very expensive high band-only antenna.  There 
were other reasons I rejected that solution, as well.

I will send you a copy of my write up on it for your consideration.

Happy trails and 73.    ----  Richards - K8JHR ----

Mark McCullen wrote:

> Option 1) Ground mount a 40m vert like the DX Eng 40VE-1 or the hi-gain AV616.  
> Option 2) Use a vertical dipole such as the Force 12 Sigma 40 which doesnt require any radials.


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