[TowerTalk] Wire log periodic antenna

LA6FJA/K3RAG Stein Roar Brobakken s-roabr at online.no
Tue Dec 16 12:34:00 EST 2008

With correct picture link !! 

I am planning to put a wire yagi for 40m to NA, but suddenly I came over a
picture for a wire log periodic antenna.

I have seen some pictures of wire log periodic antennas on internet,
Just like this one

One guy have made one like this

He have used spacing between 40 cm - 75 cm(2'5.8" - 1'3.8") for 17mhz -30

My spacing calculation gives:

40 cm is 1/35 wave on 17 Mhz, for first driver * is this optimal calculation

75 cm is 1/40 wave on 30 Mhz,? for Rear Reflector * is this optimal

so my question is then have anyone tried something like this version before?

My idea is to make one for 7 to 21 Mhz ?

should I just put my first driven element on 6 Mhz and then calculate until
21.5 Mhz for reflector?

I don't know what will happen when I get up one as Inverted-Vee in a Log
periodic formation ?

Anyone have a idea to figure the length of elements etc? correct spacing ?

73s Rag LA6FJA


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