[TowerTalk] Palmdale CA: The rest of the story

Sat Dec 20 11:33:20 EST 2008

Like wise, here in Washoe County, Nevada...We too, have our own radio room 
and antenna systems at the REOC.  ***ALL** of the area wide emergency 
exercises include all forms of Amateur Radio Communication, from packet up 
through HF  (Including CW).  Even the Federally mandated airport disaster 
readiness drills include full Amateur Radio participation.  All of the 
ARES/RACES personnel have our emergency access identification badges, 
listing our training (Emcomm 1, 2 , FEMA, Red Cross, etc.) signed by the 
County Emergency Manager..  We have fully equipped radio rooms at all area 
hospitals and participate regularly with their EOC's in their disaster 

Furthermore, we have a full linking repeater system across NorthWestern 
Nevada and have established reliable simplex links in the same area.  We 
have designated HF contacts throughout the state, also 'linking' statewide 
disaster services.  We even have a statewide IRLP/Echolink network that can 
AND is used in disaster training.

We have seen in exercises as simple as the local POD exercises, that the 
county/state communications system breaks down and Amateur Radio carries the 

Is it beating a dead horse to flaunt Amateur Radio?  I, for one, definitely 
say NO.  In a time of chaos, an Amateur Radio operator is the only one who 
can step up and provide sanity and direction.....at least ARES/RACES members 
can.  We train regularly to assist in any way, our served agencies.

Cities  and organizations, that try and restrict our access to the airwaves 
by poorly thought out and selfishly approved restrictive antenna/tower 
regulations are putting themselves in harm's way.  They just can't see that 
we are more than hobbyists, we can be, and have been, the life line needed 
in times of crisis.

Joe Wolfe

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "D. Calder" <towertalk at n4zkf.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Palmdale CA: The rest of the story

> Our stuff works when others don't. I thank that our
> local Police and government realize that. We have our own room at the EOC.

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