[TowerTalk] halfwave slopers
jim Jarvis
jimjarvis at optonline.net
Mon Feb 4 13:08:51 EST 2008
The K8UR array of sloping dipoles around a central tower does,
indeed, work.
You should be able to net 3dB gain out of it, with 4 antennas. The
scheme of using
3/8 wave feedline to a central switch, resulting in the unused
antennas becoming
reflectors, also works. (* make sure the coax shields are floating).
I've never modelled the array, but have read at least one report that
folding back the
lower quarter waves to the tower causes the vertical angle
distribution to be lowered.
As an FYI, W2GD's 160m contest site, at the Jersey Shore, uses TWO
dipoles folded
back on themselves, with a delta loop reflector in the middle. One
is aimed at EU, the
other to the west. Plays well. So variants on the original k8ur
design also work.
Jim Jarvis, MBA
President-Executive Coach
The Morse Group, LLC
Achieving Results in a Changing World
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