[TowerTalk] [YCCC] beverage transformers?

Ted Demopoulos, KT1V kt1v at demop.com
Mon Jan 7 10:42:22 EST 2008

I've made probably 3 or 4 different variations in the past, but simply 
found that the K1FZ bidirectional transformers simply were far better 
than what I had been winding -- don't know why. So I've gone K1FZ for my 
2 way Bevs

Ted KT1V

K1TTT wrote:
> Ok, has anyone done comparisons between the various 2 wire beverage
> transformers??  My old homebrew ones are starting to show their age.  These
> are for the original on4un design with wires spaced about 10-12" apart 8'
> above ground.  I need to have both receive directions available all the
> time, so no switching needed.
> I have found 3 sources so far:
> http://www.dxengineering.com/Products.asp?ID=107&SecID=32&DeptID=12
> which seems to have the nicest looking boxes, all metal, with nice terminals
> and wingnuts... but has some kind of powered switching to use one feedline
> if you don't want 2 that would be a waste for me.  75 ohm F connectors.
> http://www.qsl.net/k1fz/
> in plastic boxes. apparently customized to the wire height and spacing you
> have.  50 ohm so-239 outputs.
> http://www.radiobooks.com/products/sv2bevsys.htm
> also plastic boxes but potted in polyurethane?  Designed for ladder line,
> zip cord, or twisted pair.  75 ohm F connectors.
> Are there others I have missed??  Any comparisons or observations on them??
> David Robbins K1TTT
> e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
> web: http://www.k1ttt.net
> AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net
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