[TowerTalk] is it strong enough??

Gregg Seidl k9kl at centurytel.net
Wed Jan 16 12:03:21 EST 2008

Planning next years antenna work.I'm putting up a 95 foot stick of Rohn 
45.On it I want to put a Cushcraft XM-240 at 6.9 sq ft and 75 pounds.I also 
want to put up a M2 1-80LLAD.I think that is the right number,its a 
rotatable dipole for 75/80.It has 8 sq ft and weighs 80 pounds.My mast is 23 
or so foot piece of 2 inch outside,quarter inch wall 1026 DOM .Has anyone 
tried this combo.I would guess the dipole would go close to the tower and 
then the beam would go above that.Maybe 7 or 8 feet.I like to use a 10 foot 
tower section with the rotor on the bottom so the mast is in it by 10 feet 
or so.So that way I'd have something like 12 feet sticking out the top.Does 
this sound doable?I live in a 90 mph zone.I "think"I asked Jerry at Texas 
Towers when I ordered it from him but can't remember for sure.May use an M2 
rotor or the big Yaesu 2800.Not sure yet,though I'm leaning toward the 2800 
because I have one.I know it should be up higher but I want the best of SS 
and DX so I came up with that number by reading in the antenna books.It is 
above a quarter wave for lower angle stuff but not too high for some of the 
higher angle stuff.Did I come up with a good compromise??Thanks.  Gregg 
Seidl K9KL Titletown,WI 

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