[TowerTalk] About to pull the trigger
Rudy Bakalov
r_bakalov at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 24 18:42:36 EST 2008
No, no WARC, contesting bands only, mostly CW and RTTY.
Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry
-----Original Message-----
From: Dino Darling <dino at k6rix.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 15:52:13
To:Rudy Bakalov <r_bakalov at yahoo.com>
Cc:towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] About to pull the trigger
If you are NOT interested in the WARC bands at all, then this will be a killer one tower, 3-antenna set up.
I'd like to see a bazooka on 80 also...
http://www.radiowavz.com/html/bazookas.htm <http://www.radiowavz.com/html/bazookas.htm>
Dino - K6RIX
dino at k6rix.com <mailto:dino at k6rix.com>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [TowerTalk] About to pull the trigger
From: Rudy Bakalov <r_bakalov at yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, January 24, 2008 2:35 pm
To: towertalk at contesting.com
After many long months of thinking, reading, and exchanging countless emails with other hams, I am about to pull the trigger and order tons of gear. Literally. Naturally, I am a bit nervous, so I final sanity check with the reflector makes sense. So, here we go, shoot holes in my plan or give it the nod:
1. AN Wireless tower, 90', heavy duty, rated at 36 sq.ft
2. M2 40M4LLDD at 90'
3. 2 x KT36XA at 100' and 60'
4. Prosistel PST61D + Green Heron to rotate the 40m beam and the upper tribander
5. K0XG ring rotator + Green Heron for the lower tribander
6. W3NQN bandpass filters sandwitched between 2 SO2R switches to provide SO2R filetring
7. BIP/BOP stack controller for the KT36XA tribanders
8. SO2R switch for all antennas
9. On 80m, Comtek dipole 4sqr as in http://www.comteksystems.com/4square6.html <http://www.comteksystems.com/4square6.html>
10. On 160m, shunt feed the 90' tower
11. RX antennas- 2 two-way beverages
The overall objective is to build a decent single-tower SO2R station in VE3, about 100 miles north of Toronto. Due to frequent freezing rain showers + gusty winds, I am very concerned aboout physical strength of the set-up.
So, go or no go?
73 de Rudy N2WQ
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