[TowerTalk] Old coax

N7mal n7mal at citlink.net
Sun Jul 6 16:50:56 EDT 2008

Makes really good, and efficient, radial wire and/or grounding braid..... 

Everyone in the world is
entitled to be burdened
by my opinion

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ken Anderson
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 19:26
Subject: [TowerTalk] Old coax

I have a roll of RG214A/U that is approximately 25 years old.  Coax is
700-800 feet on its original spool and was residual from a commercial
installation.  The spool has been stored outside, out of rain and sun,
all these years.

There is no markings on coax other than RG info but I believe it was
manufactured by Belden.

What is peoples experience with the usability of such coax?

Ken, K6TA


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