[TowerTalk] tower dogs

Bill Winkis kc4pe at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 22 15:02:21 EDT 2008

Did you also realize that down her in the Southeast Policemen and 
Firemen make around that....I have a neighbor .... been on the force 
18 years, has a degree in criminal justice been shot twice and knifed 
once....he makes $14.90 before tax's....


At 01:30 PM 7/22/2008, Cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 7/22/2008 11:50:06 AM Greenwich Standard Time,
>k9kl at centurytel.net writes:
>I did  catch him say 14 bux an hour!That just can't be right.
>I can  tell you this much though......when I sell my cows shortly and get
>out of  the dairy farming I can cross being a tower jockey off my list!!
>Gregg  K9KL
>Back in FL that was close to the going rate for lots of the boys. Many  of
>the guys lived from week to week.
>The guys making big bucks are the owners and insurance companies.
>If you want to get a real taste of the life of these guys subscribe to
>towerpro on Yahoo Groups.  Plus, it is a good place to pick up some 
>ideas  on how
>to do the job.
>Bill KH7XS/K4XS
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